Surakarta or Solo is the old city in Central Java and recently developing fastly. In the development, theoretically, an urban space should be integrated. Integrated urban space is that if the elements inside functionally comprehensible links, structurally in clear spatial order, and think about the importance of historical, cultural and social values. Integration brings infill development into harmony among the predominant existing patterns. In the mean Surakarta has several urban heritage, the urban center of Surakarta is looked into that objective: to carry out idea of integration using urban heritage achievement. This appropriates to the land use planning that the urban center of Surakarta is for commercial, cultural and tourism zone.

The process of analysis utilized description and exploration method. Description method has been operated to procure integration condition of the urban center and to procure roles of the urban heritage. Determinant factors of urban center integration are norms, functions and physical structure of the urban center. Determinant factors of urban heritage roles are about historic, location, form and functions. Exploration method has been operated to procure concept of integration of Surakarta urban center by supply-demand approach

Conditions of Norm Factor

Cultural Values Component: Realism in the region of Surakarta City, there were changes cultural values from the mystic and utopia become realistic and pragmatic. Mystical and utopian should be believed that the area has metaphysical value, for instance, most people belief the palace or Keraton Kasunanan as the center of the sanctity of the environment. Keraton, then, become the center of the city area. In addition, mystical and utopian as cultural values can be articulated as religious activities undertaken for spiritual needs. Act, sense, idealism (cipta, rasa, karsa) of the mystical and utopian are now revealing reduction.

Rules Component: there are still many traditions and on the other hand held the formal rules. The traditions may appear in the form unwritten rules about the meaning, function, location and physical of the region. Those traditions were now becoming obsolete because of changes in cultural values and because of the existence of formal rules.

Institutional Component. People or society originally considered Palace (Keraton Surakarta) as a source of culture and many use populist culture (Kartodirdjo, 1997: 2). Populist culture developed on the basis of community life which is directed towards harmonious in the social environment and its natural environment. Now the institutional orientation is looked towards (from society) to government institute.


Condition of Functional Factor

The Essence of activities component: socio-cultural at Surakarta City develops on the two fundamentals. The first is based on a local culture that became the focus of community life. The second is based on the economic culture that grew from the entrepreneurial ethos of the merchant community (sodagar) (MT Arifin, 1997). It can not be separated from an understanding of the city area as a downtown (Kutanegara) that has meaning for socio-cultural and economic activities.

The Relationship of activities component: realism, there is the complexity function. Surakarta area will be developed for government and business functions, culture, commerce and housing and also tourism. Conflict and separation in space utilization for the socio-cultural and economic functions still happen.

The Level of usability component: land for facilities and infrastructures and many other activities are limited. The activities in Surakarta rise that accommodated more diverse and high-intensity, especially economic activities. The rise of modern economic activities supported by means of a more complete, although traditional social, cultural and economic activities still exist but less than the modern.


Condition of Physical Factor

Spatial component: Realism, order of Surakarta City originally is based on concept of cosmology as well as transportation and defense interests. It is characterized by the presence of crossing of the main road west to east and north to south with its center around the Palace (Keraton Kasunanan). The road now forms the spatial structure of the city that affect the blocks of the downtown area.

Visual and detail Component: In the downtown area, there are traditional forms that not only fully of symbolism but also contemporary functional forms. In addition, the area marked with solid buildings and open spaces on the wane. In detail there are environmental structuring. The building facade is adjusted to the environment. Environment is also enhanced, with a set of green space and parks; arranging space, equipment and pedestrian path.